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Hamstring. Don't die....


Hamstring. Don't die.

Hamstring. Don't die.

Hamstring. A good mage should never die to a non-fury warrior. A fury build will tear mages to pieces.

Hamstring. /wave. Casually walk away.

Hamstring. Have Mortal Strike to win this fight. The vast majority of this fight should be spent in berserker stance. Extra damage will be sustained, but the ability to intercept and shrug off fear effects far outweighs the additional damage taken.

Hamstring. Deep Wounds or Rend is a must. Overpower destroys them.

Hamstring. Beat them down to 30% health and reapply Mortal Strike. Most shamen wait until about 30% to cast their first heal for maximum mana-to-health efficiency. One or two more swings followed by an execute will end this fight quick. Shamen are very easy with Mortal Strike.

Hamstring. Don't die.

Hamstring. Deal the most damage.

Obviously hamstring is mentioned a number of times. Warriors do 99% of their damage within melee range, so it is absolutely critical that the opponent stay close at all times. Hamstring should be the lead ability almost always.


Large Scale


Don't die.


5man Groups

Hold aggro. Don't die.

Dish damage diligently.

10-20man Raids

Large Raids

Don't die. Through careful research and meticulous analysis, it has been determined that the number one cause of most raid wipes is the main tank running out of health. This should be avoided at all times.


Popular Talent Builds


All the good stuff.

Arms/Fury (DPS/Tank Hybrid)

Some necessities:

-- 3/3 Improved Rend
-- 5/5 Tactical Mastery
-- 2/2 Improved Overpower
-- 1/1 Anger Management
-- 3/3 Deep Wounds
-- 2/2 Impale
-- 5/5 points in favorite weapon (axe, polearm, or sword for max damage)
-- 1/1 Sweeping Strikes
-- 1/1 Mortal Strike

-- 5/5 Cruelty
-- 1/1 Piercing Howl

One of the most beautiful benefits to this build is the combination of Sweeping Strikes with Cleave. When rage is high or capped and multiple targets are present, activate Sweeping Strikes and then Cleave as many times as rage and Sweeping Strikes duration will allow. Each single swing will land 4 times. The Cleave hits both targets, then Sweeping Strikes causes each of those targets' allies to be hit again. In other words, each target takes two hits, for four total hits. In the unlikely event that all of these crit, that is 8x damage from a single swing. Pretty powerful stuff.

Arms/Fury build will kill pretty much any player but mage or hunter with consistency -- hunters slightly better than 50/50 and mages almost never. Fury/Arms or solid Fury will kill all hunters and mages, but will make other classes more difficult. All of these assumptions are of course dependent on the skill and gear of the opponent.

Solo Leveling

Aggro Management

Abilities that directly add threat include:
Sunder Armor
Shield Slam
Heroic Strike

Battle Stance
The only abilities that will add to aggro are Sunder Armor and Heroic Strike. The warrior relies on these two and damage output to hold aggro in this stance.

Berserker Stance
A warrior will rarely desire to hold aggro in Berserker Stance, so it is usually not an issue. One possible application for holding aggro is the case of multiple weak mobs that must be killed quickly. In this case, Berserker Rage should be used to build rage rapidly as damage is sustained from numerous targets, then Whirlwind and Cleave until all targets are dead. The warrior relies primarily on the explosive damage output to hold aggro in this scenario.

Defensive Stance
This stance is best for holding aggro though sacrifices damage output. The stance itself adds additional threat every time damage is inflicted by the warrior. Additionally, Sunder Armor, Heroic Strike, and Revenge are all available in this stance. A protection spec warrior should also have Shield Slam (not to be confused with Shield Bash), which adds significantly to aggro. If aggro is lost, Taunt can be used in most cases to turn the mob back to the warrior; however, Taunt does not add aggro -- instead it redirects the mob to the tank for a brief moment in hopes that the tank can reacquire aggro quickly. Sunder Armor adds the most threat, followed by Heroic Strike. Revenge adds significant threat and helps to maintain aggro at very low rage cost. When Shield Slam is available, it should be used liberally as well. If all of these abilities are used properly, no mob will ever turn.

Note: Taunt will not turn a stunned mob. If a mob needs to be turned, watch for rogue or paladin stuns before using Taunt. When the stun wears, the mob will not be turned and it will take up to 10 seconds for Taunt to pop again. The mob can cause a lot of havoc to party members in this time, and the tank builds little to no rage for ability usage without sustaining damage. Be aware of stuns.

Essential Gear





<Pauldrons of Might> if only for sheer sexiness.










Weapon Swap
A macro or mod is essential for instantly swapping between DPS weapons (a two-hander or two one-handers) with a one-hand weapon and a shield during combat. Warriors are often required to drop DPS for tanking or vice versa in the blink of an eye.

There are mods that will do this, but for those that prefer simple script, this will suffice:

/script PickupInventoryItem(17); if(CursorHasItem()) then PickupContainerItem(4,4); PickupContainerItem(4,3); PickupInventoryItem(16); else PickupContainerItem(4,3); PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupContainerItem(4,4); PickupInventoryItem(17); end;

The above script assumes the one-hander and shield are in slots 3 and 4 respectively of the left-most inventory bag.

Essential Mods

Relevant Links

Official WOW Warrior Forums: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/board.aspx?fn=wow-warrior
Hellmount's Guide for Tanking Warriors: http://strategy.worldofwar.net/news.php?id=39

Last Modified: 5/19/2006 12:38am
Contributors: rade, chops, Kidkwik, Sweet, Past
Easy Link
BBCode Link: [guide=Warrior]Warrior[/guide]
URL: http://poopinashoe.com/guide/Warrior