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3. Anivia (The Nuke/DPSer)
Passive (Comes back to life as an egg every

Summoner Abilities: This is pretty ambiguous. Flash is bad now since you can't use it while in egg form. Almost anything else paired with Teleport is good, especially if you're solo.

Skill Build:
One point in Q (Flash Frost) then main E (Frostbite). Get W (Icewall) instead of Q if you see fit. SOMETIMES your ult can be ignored if: you don't have enough regen and the other team is whoring out your golems.

Anivia is a strong magic-based nuker who generally gets a lot of last hits. This will influence your item choices. Her ultimate is a huge mana sink and therefore should be used sparingly for: slowing large groups of people then turning it off, or getting a slow on one opponent to follow up with a Frostbite.

Her wall can be used very well tactically to cut off opponents from each other during clashes, though as you can imagine it can turn out poorly and end up screwing your team over.

Building items such as Rod of Ages, Tear of the Goddess, Mejai Soulstealer, Zhanya's Ring, Magic Boots can lead to a pretty solid game. An early-game Soulstealer combined with a lot of last hits will make your nukes a force to be reckoned with. However it may be better to start with a Doran's Ring.

This hero is fairly difficult to do well with, she has low HP and her Flash Frost can be tricky to aim at times. Played well she is a huge nuisance due to her burst.

Her ult is perfect for catching the other team off guard at Baron or Dragon, thereby starting the fight with an AOE slow.

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  • Last Modified: 10/22/2009 4:06pm
    Contributors: virr
    Easy Link
    BBCode Link: [guide=Anivia]Anivia[/guide]
    URL: http://poopinashoe.com/guide/Anivia