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49 Unique Guild Members
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RoNS Raid Times
RoNS Raid Times
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Primary: [WoW]
Secondary: None
As per direction of our beloved and devoted leader, Ismael, raid times currently stand at:

Tuesdays - 8:00 PM Server Time (5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time)

Thursdays - 8:00 PM Server Time (5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time)

Looking at starting Tuesday the 21st, which is about over a week from now.


Probably the same as naxx for us. We can't get on until around 9pm server time but will join if needed.

F'ed in the A.
A vote for mon-weds here

[IMG]suchafunnygif.gif[/IMG ]

But if I get a job (lol) who knows?

Way to choose the two days I have class late... I'd be completely unavailable both Tuesday and Thursday.

I'd like to throw another vote in for Monday/Wednesday (both of which I'm 100% open)
I vote for any time, ever.
I will have 100% raid attendance.

Mon/Wednesday will result in me maybe being able to raid Monday, but I have classes late Wednesday, so maybe that's an okay alternative (FUCK YOUR PROGRESSION RUNS!)

I quit this game already

1) Click [Create a Character] under "Logged In". Save that shit.
2) Click "Availability" under "Logged In". Save that shit.
3) Go to the Availability page.

Me likey, chops. Also grats on 85.

[IMG]suchafunnygif.gif[/IMG ]
Tuesdays / Thursdays would be best for me.


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