Checking In | |||||||||
Hey guys, I am playing WoW again.
I transferred my priest to the server Stormrage to play with Shane (Waffelcakkes). The guild we are in there is hardxcore. Can anyone give me the lowdown on who is playing / what is happening back on TFC? Hugz, Rusty
RoNS Officer Posts: 1443(1.71%) Threads: 77(0.87%) Private Posts: 69 Characters: Itsnot(85) Beanjailbait(85) |
Full scale sexual revolution is on. All the bros and more are back. Need graphs.
Moderator Posts: 4369(5.18%) Threads: 489(5.55%) Private Posts: 459 Characters: Beanbackmtn(85) Fries(100) Marten(96) Holygeez(38) Twod(24) Jely(20) Fries |
You better check yo'self, fo you wreck yo'self.
-- F'ed in the A.
Lucky Arck
RoNS Bro Posts: 301(0.36%) Threads: 33(0.37%) Private Posts: 5 Characters: Shambam(85) Beanpally(85) Arcktica(81) Yourluckyday(80) Beanwarlock(20) |
fun times
needs more pie charts -- [IMG]suchafunnygif.gif[/IMG ]
For a serious reply:
We're looking to raid 2 times a week, looking like it's leaning to tuesday/thursday... doing mostly 10 mans, not expecting to do 25 mans any time soon unless we get a massive influx of good geared players --