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49 Unique Guild Members
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Primary: [WoW]
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Hey guys, I am playing WoW again.

I transferred my priest to the server Stormrage to play with Shane (Waffelcakkes). The guild we are in there is hardxcore.

Can anyone give me the lowdown on who is playing / what is happening back on TFC?

Full scale sexual revolution is on. All the bros and more are back. Need graphs.

You better check yo'self, fo you wreck yo'self.

F'ed in the A.
fun times

needs more pie charts

[IMG]suchafunnygif.gif[/IMG ]
For a serious reply:

We're looking to raid 2 times a week, looking like it's leaning to tuesday/thursday... doing mostly 10 mans, not expecting to do 25 mans any time soon unless we get a massive influx of good geared players


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