Grats Chops on a Great MC Run! | |||||||||
Went to Molten Core again to take on the fire lords and this time, we had a great run. Particularly Chops, who was the only one there, and who scored some phatty loot, including all of the following:
Felheart Shoulder Pads Earthfury Belt Cenarion Bracers Earthfury Bracers Boots of Prophecy Arcanist Gloves Lawbringer Spaulders Salamander Scale Pants Nightslayer Gloves Brutality Blade Earthfury Legguards Eskhandar's Right Claw Striker's Mark Earthfury Boots Arcanist Crown Cenarion Helm Manastorm Leggings And to top it all off... Scored ourselves half of a binding from Garr! Bindings of the Windseeker It was a rough time, figuring out how to handle the core hound packs with one person and a voidwalker, and accidentally pulling Garr with Two Core Hounds was almost recovered, but ended with an unfortunate wipe. Once that was over, though, Garr proved to be a complete pushover, even with his 8 minions. Finding the right place to stand to prevent taking too much falling damage from Geddon's Living bomb also proved a difficult problem, and Shazzrah was a complete wimp. Sulfuron proved a bit hard trying to tank the adds away from him with a voidwalker without drawing aggro, but in the end, it was okay, and we ended with a handful of epics and a legendary. Grats Chops for being such a great guy!
Moderator Posts: 4369(5.18%) Threads: 489(5.55%) Private Posts: 459 Characters: Beanbackmtn(85) Fries(100) Marten(96) Holygeez(38) Twod(24) Jely(20) Fries |
Ha. I was actually thinking about DUOing MC with Nel. Thought it would be pretty fun and actually be decent money?
We should do BWL sometime. -- F'ed in the A.
RoNS Bro Posts: 1988(2.36%) Threads: 207(2.35%) Private Posts: 113 Characters: Sip(85) (retired) Lamyra(60) |
Loooooooool didn't Ben get the left binding already?...
RoNS Officer Posts: 1443(1.71%) Threads: 77(0.87%) Private Posts: 69 Characters: Itsnot(85) Beanjailbait(85) |