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EvE TV 7/21/2006 9:50AM CDT - PVP Tourney Broadcast
EvE TV 7/21/2006 9:50AM CDT - PVP Tourney Broadcast
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tl;dr Click this link on or after 9:50AM CDT - http://www.eve-files.com/media/evetv/EVETV_EastCoast.asx

There have been a few people interested in Eve Online and I thought I'd point ya'll to this newfangled interweb contraption known as EVE TV.

Basically, they've built in the ability to stream the game live to show ongoing events, so you can watch the game be played online in real time, kind of neat huh? Eve TV is currently running the interstellar pvp alliance tournament.

Every year there is an alliance tournament where alliances bring their fanciest ships and "best" pilots into an interstellar 5 v 5 brawl. The alliance winners get cool things like faction carriers and dreadnaughts and what have you. You even get commentary from european pvp players, funny accents, el oh el.

Enough of my yapping... here's a link...

Should be active pretty soon,

If you can a 'user/pass' prompt, just hit cancel and it should bring up the stream, currently all it's showing is


Here's a territory map just for a frame of reference...


What you'll see likely isn't indicative of most pvp you'd experience in eve, but it's kind of neat to watch

First match is now! 10:18AM
You know I really would like to play this game, but really how far behind would I be to get started at this point?

Kylera - 60 Discipline Priest - Good Twin
Kyriel - 60 Shadow Priest - Evil Twin
300 Alchemy, 300 Herbalism, 300 Tailoring, 300 Facemelting

Kylera - 60 Discipline Priest - Good Twin
Kyriel - 60 Shadow Priest - Evil Twin
300 Alchemy, 300 Herbalism, 300 Tailoring, 300 Facemelting
You know I really would like to play this game, but really how far behind would I be to get started at this point?

Kylera - 60 Discipline Priest - Good Twin
Kyriel - 60 Shadow Priest - Evil Twin
300 Alchemy, 300 Herbalism, 300 Tailoring, 300 Facemelting

It's a common misconception that new people are useless, it's not true at all, with a few hours of training you'll be a capable frigate tackler, tacklers basically keep enemy ships from moving too fast and warping away to escape fiery death.

Give the 14 day trial a shot and see how you like it. But go through the tutorial, it's long I know, but it hits all the basic elements of the game, and finish the initial storyline you're given a nice implant at the end you can usually sell for a decent bit of cash.

The crafting aspects of the game are satisfyingly deep, so is the robust NPC and PC markets. You could make a life out of hauling goods from one place to another buying low and selling high, some people do. The majority of items sold are built by the players, resources used to make items are mined by players, and the fighters get them blown up fighting

PvP is pretty awesome, and in the style of Ultima Online where you can be killed and 'podded', you lose your ship and have to buy a new one, you can lose implants and if you don't keep up your clone you'll lose your skill points (so painful, I haven't had this happen yet thank god)

My favorite thing though is that my character learns whether I play or not, so I'm skilling at work, or when I don't log in for a week (assuming I'm training a skill that lasts that long), all playing a lot gets you is more money, so you can buy more toys

If you decide to give it a go, send an evemail to Basil Cunninghams and he or one of my alts will go run around with you to get your space feet wet and throw you a few million ISK to get you started.

There are some interesting stories around Eve the game is designed so you can be/can grief people in numerous ways. If you're into that sort of thing...

Here's the story of nightfreeze...

CEO Assassination and massive theft...

A close to real life Eve public offering to create an outpost in 0.0 (lawless) conquerable space...


They were successful and it still exists today. Outpost s are 100's of billions of ISK investments where you actually place a space station out in the middle of the 'space' boonies, once it's place it can be taken over by forces trying to take sov of a region.

The blocks of color in the map above are real groups of people controlling the sovereignty of that space through war and political conquest, the ISS outpost mentioned is in southern space.

It's truly a sandbox game where you are let loose after the tutorial and you can forge your life any way you choose! Give it a go and let me know what you think, if you're serious, I can give you custom career paths at character creation that will maximize your skill set (get you into frigates and cruisers faster, if that's what you want to do of course)

So how was the thing on TV? Was it pretty cool?

How's the job searching coming along?

If the Da Vinci Code, a murder-mystery novel, threatens your beliefs, then your beliefs are weak and should be threatened.

So how was the thing on TV? Was it pretty cool?

How's the job searching coming along?

If the Da Vinci Code, a murder-mystery novel, threatens your beliefs, then your beliefs are weak and should be threatened.

Well, it wasn't on real TV, it was just streamed to your media player live, they had 'couch commentary' and pre-recorded bits but when the match started they switched to the ISD (Corporation for the GMs and other game helpers) feed and streamed the game from their vantage point, they have some pretty neat camera and overview features I wish were accessible by players. I think someone cached off all the video, I'll see if I can find some links.

All in all it was pretty cool for what it was, interesting to see what people come up with, but they kind of gimped it by not allowing particular modules, ECM (sensor jammers) in particular. ECM is a godsend to younger players since it allows them to help shut down the high sp guys. It wasn't indictadive of Eve's pvp, just kind of a 'dream team' 5v5 match. Usually it's small gangs of people warping about trying to kill each other anyway they can. Or pirates ganking lazy miners/ratters. Or lagtastic fleet operations where the first person to get their modules activated wins! We've been a bit busy with our war in the north, so I think we fielded a bunch of shuttles (defenseless/offenseless ships for travelling) as our fleet for our last battle.

Our alliance got trash talked by a few of the commentaters, but mainly because we're the 'upstarts shaking up the establishment' group. (We're Goonswarm on the map, and 'in the Cloud Ring' conflict against D2, the second largest alliance in the game) I haven't been playing a whole lot, but I've been living vicariously through our corp forums. The Cloud Ring is coming to a head soon, it will be an expensive, messy event. I could go on and on about what's going on but I don't want to bore you to death with the details.

The job search is going great actually, I ended up getting two offers before I even submitted my resume. I'm signing the paperwork for one of them on Wed this week actually I see you're lining up the DKPSystem clients, that's good to see. The MMORTS idea is very interesting too.

The files at the start of the forum thread are massive, I'm looking through the thread to see if anyone shrinked them down or broke them up into match specific files.


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