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Damage numbers for guns and infected (Camera this is why the rifle sucks)
Damage numbers for guns and infected (Camera this is why the rifle sucks)
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Taken from L4D forums. Instead of copying it all and re-formatting it, I just took 2 screenshots and put them together.

What's the argument?

Remember two nights ago when Camera said he thought the sniper rifle did more damage to the tank than the shotgun? Look at the dps differences.

(Granted 90 damage at a distance is very good compared to all the other guns at a distance)

Remember two nights ago when Camera said he thought the sniper rifle did more damage to the tank than the shotgun? Look at the dps differences.

Ahh that, yeah. To the tank, definitely not as powerful.

I'm curious if those numbers are pre or post autoshotty nerf on the tank.

If you see you tank from far away, the hunting rifle will do more dps than the auto. But I did say that it's good because of the damage to special infected, not specifically the tank, however I did mention that I unloaded a full clip into the tank before it got to us, and that means I did a full clips worth of damage to it since it's 100% damage at all range.

I agree if you're at close range a shotty is better, duh.


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