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I find this an oddly relevant thread.

The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.


aint that the truth


omg im gay
And we have a winner of a post from that thread;

I'm even gonna bold the key statement if it's not obvious enough.

2005-12-30 04:05:20 PM Mija

Woman ARE biatches. I am one. I can say that. Men can argue and even fight. They get over it and hang out together the same week. It's amazing and admirable. Let a woman piss another woman off and it's war till one of them is destroyed. I love to have male friends. None of the drama. It's really sad that we haven't evolved past the B.S.

The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.


haha its so true too


omg im gay
Yeah, if I get into an arguement I will be over it within a few minutes, usually. Unless they are a dink and keep acting like a little bitch. Even then once they stop I'm cool again. And all the friends I have are like that, even the girls. Though most of them a little butch.

"How can you kill that which has no life?"

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