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Urgot as a the best AD Carry
Urgot as a the best AD Carry
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Urgot has the following

Damage 48 (+3.6 / per level)
Health 437 (+89 / per level)
Mana 220 (+55 / per level)
Move Speed 310
Armor 15 (+3.3 / per level)
Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)
Health Regen 1.1 (+0.12 / per level)
Mana Regen 1.5 (+0.13 / per level)

Urgot is innately meant to be played as a semi tanky ranged AD carry.

Cosidering his passive:

Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter - Urgot's basic attacks reduce his targets' damage by 15% for 2.5 seconds.

Lane him with Soraka and

Astral Blessing - Soraka blesses a friendly unit, restoring health and increasing Armor for a short time.
Soraka blesses a friendly target, restoring 70/140/210/280/350 (+0.45) Health and granting them 25/50/75/100/125 bonus Armor for 5 seconds.
80/110/140/170/200 Mana

Rush a Frozen Heart

+99 Armor +500 Mana UNIQUE Passive: +20% Cooldown Reduction UNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by 20%.

Urgot Boots, FH by say level 7 Will have the following

Health: 437 + (89*7)= 1060
Armor: 15 (base) + Soraka Level 4 heal 100 + 99 FH + (7*3.3)= 237.3 Armor

Considering the following:

Stacking armorEdit

Every point of armor requires a unit to take 1% more of its maximum health in physical damage to be killed. This is called

"effective health."
Example: A unit with 60 armor has 60% of its maximum health in its effective health, so if the unit has 1000 maximum health, it will take 1600 physical damage to kill it.

What this means: by definition, armor does not have diminishing returns, because each point increases physical durability by 1% whether the unit has 10 armor or 1000 armor.

Note: Unlike health, increasing armor also makes healing more effective because it takes more effort to remove the unit's health than it does to restore it.

So in effect before we consider a couple of things here, urgot has

1060 health, which with all of the above buffs considered with no runes is 2512.2 health points of damage required to kill.

Now lets assume that in the span of fight thanks to frozen hearts passive, any AD bottom is effectively dealing 25% less dmg.

Adding another 25% worth of effective health, but lets pretend this unit deals some magic dmg and urgot is at 0, so lets say FH only adds 15% worth of effective health:

Urgot is now 2889.03.


Urgots passive which reduces ALL DAMAGE DEALT BY THE TARGET By 15%!

So at 2889.03 Effectively health, Urgot gains 15% more! Since his passive is applied FIRST.

3323 Points of Effective health!!!

And the added bonus.

Terror Capacitor - Urgot charges up his capacitor to gain a shield. While the shield is active, Urgot gains slowing attacks.
Urgot charges up his terror capacitor to gain a shield that absorbs 80/140/200/260/320 (+0.8) damage for 7 seconds. While the shield is active, Urgot's attacks and missiles slow targets by 20/25/30/35/40%.
55/60/65/70/75 Mana

Say level 8 Urgot so shield at 140 health.

3463 PHYSICAL damage points required to kill.

I know I felt pretty bad laning against him and Soraka

F'ed in the A.



I actually don't think we died (I forget who I was laned with), it's just that he was so fricking survivable and was throwing heat seeking axes at our heads all day.

F'ed in the A.
urgot just can't hard carry end game like most AD's so he does well on a team where everyone goes tanky

moscow 5's urgot team is ryze, lee sin jung, ali support, urgot, shyv top i think
Quote by Karrmerx
urgot just can't hard carry end game like most AD's so he does well on a team where everyone goes tanky

moscow 5's urgot team is ryze, lee sin jung, ali support, urgot, shyv top i think









this still will never compare to a typical AD with IE PD LW plink plinking for 3 seconds

also 20% armor pen is not necessarily 20% increased dmg

also if you whiff that E, good luck doing shit when the other AD is still right clicking everyone to death in 3 shots each

like everything in league it comes down to team comp, urgot is tanky and works as long as your team is tanky but if your team has a couple squishies and they get instagibbed youre done for

likewise if the opponents squishy hard carry AD gets caught out or jumped then LOLZ GG

Quote by Karrmerx
this still will never compare to a typical AD with IE PD LW plink plinking for 3 seconds

also 20% armor pen is not necessarily 20% increased dmg

also if you whiff that E, good luck doing shit when the other AD is still right clicking everyone to death in 3 shots each

like everything in league it comes down to team comp, urgot is tanky and works as long as your team is tanky but if your team has a couple squishies and they get instagibbed youre done for

likewise if the opponents squishy hard carry AD gets caught out or jumped then LOLZ GG


I agree, if you can't hit E good luck. But if he played as if he was an AD bruiser he fills the same roll and has an amazing initiate. I believe that urgot hails the coming of a new idea to break the current meta.

that's why moscow 5 and a lot of teams usually play him solo, ie when they had urgot solo bot 2v1 (and he was winning because they gave him blue and urgot is amazing early game)

or they have him go mid sometimes, never really seen him top but im sure it'd be fine because he's so strong in lane

IMO there isn't much to this "breaking the meta" thing, as I see it the meta as it stands now is basically like the way a 5 man roster is set up in basketball. You can go small in the NBA at times, say running 3 or even 4 guards at once on the floor, maybe stick a forward at center, but the reason it won't work isn't because it doesn't have upsides (say, easier scoring) but because it has downsides (can't defend or rebound against the opponents one or two 7 footers).

so in league you could "break the meta" and go 5 AP or no AD carry or whatever and definitely win, but you're inherently giving yourself a disadvantage. it's only logical that the ideal scenario is to have a 50/50 split of attack damage and magical damage so the opponent can't easily build to mitigate one form of damage

you could then split up this damage by having, say, a kill lane bottom like me and scott do (with much success) running garen Lux, with lux being the support, but with all things this is a big disadvantage end game if we have no AD carry. but like all things in league it generally comes down to intelligent counter-picking more than just choosing champs you like (and i don't just mean on a lane by lane basis, ie picking warwick to counter riven top or something) but correctly countering the opponents entire team. if they are going to run nocturne jungle and irelia top and leblanc mid or something, basically a huge squad of "brb we're going to jump your AD so fucking hard" you should probably pick urgot as your AD and just go hard tanky and start shitting on them as their attempt at blowing someone up doesnt work, or pick alistar support and some other good peeler to push everyone away from the AD when they jump on the AD and then the AD can shit on them all, but if you dont choose any peels your carry is fucked every fight (and probably your AP carry too). whereas if the opponent picked a bunch of champs with no gap closers your carry is much safer and you might want to focus on instead pushing onto their own carries

likewise it's only logical to want to split the resources evenly to the 4 players that can gain maximum use of them, since again only 4 resources (3 lanes 1 jungle) but 5 players on your team, so obviously either A: one player is going to have no income, or B: you're going to split the income and both fight over creeps in a lane, which is likely going to weaken you when fighting against an opponent with 1 really stacked damage champion vs your two champs with reasonably shitty items

so in the end the current meta is the way it is because it's the safest route with the least counters. any team comp or champion can sorta be countered though, so there are always options - ie the pros running things like leona jarvan bottom, or alistar blitzcrank, etc. but they don't just choose them just to say they are going against the meta, they choose them because they've carefully practiced them against a specific scenario (enemy lane composition) and know that they have an advantage they can carry into end game and hopefully win (These teams usually run an AD ranged top too, basically meaning theyre running the normal meta anyways)

moscow 5 runs urgot solo bottom and double jungle roaming, are they going against the meta? sorta, but they still have an AD ranged, a typical top bruiser, lee sin jungle, alistar/sona support (who is also jungling) and an ap mid carry

also the AD ranged being with a support is due to the fact that AD's, if they want to build for end game, often lack any decent sustain and are susceptible to ganks because theyre so squishy, so it makes sense to have someone babysit them (since, again, the way the game is now one player has to have no resources, so they basically are forced to babysit SOMEONE on the map, or they can roam and help disrupt other lanes like the alistar does on M5, but in this scenario you need an AD that can handle themselves solo, and again they chose Urgot for this obvious purpose)

basically there isn't much room to "break the meta" as the meta is the way it is because it's the way you win. outside of countering specific enemy compositions and playing well as a team, there isn't much else you can do. you can move your champions around to different lanes and play AP solo bottom or whatever but in the end you're basically creating a team comp that is the same as the meta (support, ad ranged, ap mid, jungle, and sustainable last solo player, can be bruiser or ap but if ap is generally a tanky ap like swain ryze vladimir)
i just refreshed and a wall appeared.

"Some douche bag, pony tail wearing, hippie FUCK..." -Sip

All of what Rogue said sounds reasonable and wise.

Quote by Karrmerx
that's why moscow 5 and a lot of teams usually play him solo, ie when they had urgot solo bot 2v1 (and he was winning because they gave him blue and urgot is amazing early game)

or they have him go mid sometimes, never really seen him top but im sure it'd be fine because he's so strong in lane

IMO there isn't much to this "breaking the meta" thing, as I see it the meta as it stands now is basically like the way a 5 man roster is set up in basketball. You can go small in the NBA at times, say running 3 or even 4 guards at once on the floor, maybe stick a forward at center, but the reason it won't work isn't because it doesn't have upsides (say, easier scoring) but because it has downsides (can't defend or rebound against the opponents one or two 7 footers).

so in league you could "break the meta" and go 5 AP or no AD carry or whatever and definitely win, but you're inherently giving yourself a disadvantage. it's only logical that the ideal scenario is to have a 50/50 split of attack damage and magical damage so the opponent can't easily build to mitigate one form of damage

you could then split up this damage by having, say, a kill lane bottom like me and scott do (with much success) running garen Lux, with lux being the support, but with all things this is a big disadvantage end game if we have no AD carry. but like all things in league it generally comes down to intelligent counter-picking more than just choosing champs you like (and i don't just mean on a lane by lane basis, ie picking warwick to counter riven top or something) but correctly countering the opponents entire team. if they are going to run nocturne jungle and irelia top and leblanc mid or something, basically a huge squad of "brb we're going to jump your AD so fucking hard" you should probably pick urgot as your AD and just go hard tanky and start shitting on them as their attempt at blowing someone up doesnt work, or pick alistar support and some other good peeler to push everyone away from the AD when they jump on the AD and then the AD can shit on them all, but if you dont choose any peels your carry is fucked every fight (and probably your AP carry too). whereas if the opponent picked a bunch of champs with no gap closers your carry is much safer and you might want to focus on instead pushing onto their own carries

likewise it's only logical to want to split the resources evenly to the 4 players that can gain maximum use of them, since again only 4 resources (3 lanes 1 jungle) but 5 players on your team, so obviously either A: one player is going to have no income, or B: you're going to split the income and both fight over creeps in a lane, which is likely going to weaken you when fighting against an opponent with 1 really stacked damage champion vs your two champs with reasonably shitty items

so in the end the current meta is the way it is because it's the safest route with the least counters. any team comp or champion can sorta be countered though, so there are always options - ie the pros running things like leona jarvan bottom, or alistar blitzcrank, etc. but they don't just choose them just to say they are going against the meta, they choose them because they've carefully practiced them against a specific scenario (enemy lane composition) and know that they have an advantage they can carry into end game and hopefully win (These teams usually run an AD ranged top too, basically meaning theyre running the normal meta anyways)

moscow 5 runs urgot solo bottom and double jungle roaming, are they going against the meta? sorta, but they still have an AD ranged, a typical top bruiser, lee sin jungle, alistar/sona support (who is also jungling) and an ap mid carry

also the AD ranged being with a support is due to the fact that AD's, if they want to build for end game, often lack any decent sustain and are susceptible to ganks because theyre so squishy, so it makes sense to have someone babysit them (since, again, the way the game is now one player has to have no resources, so they basically are forced to babysit SOMEONE on the map, or they can roam and help disrupt other lanes like the alistar does on M5, but in this scenario you need an AD that can handle themselves solo, and again they chose Urgot for this obvious purpose)

basically there isn't much room to "break the meta" as the meta is the way it is because it's the way you win. outside of countering specific enemy compositions and playing well as a team, there isn't much else you can do. you can move your champions around to different lanes and play AP solo bottom or whatever but in the end you're basically creating a team comp that is the same as the meta (support, ad ranged, ap mid, jungle, and sustainable last solo player, can be bruiser or ap but if ap is generally a tanky ap like swain ryze vladimir)

I just wanted to quote Ryan's secret message that he loves penis.

The remainder of his quote was just a filler.
maybe Ryan will find my secret message to him
Quote by Karrmerx
that's why moscow 5 and a lot of teams usually play him solo, ie when they had urgot solo bot 2v1 (and he was winning because they gave him blue and urgot is amazing early game)

or they have him go mid sometimes, never really seen him top but im sure it'd be fine because he's so strong in lane

IMO there isn't much to this "breaking the meta" thing, as I see it the meta as it stands now is basically like the way a 5 man roster is set up in basketball. You can go small in the NBA at times, say running 3 or even 4 guards at once on the floor, maybe stick a forward at center, but the reason it won't work isn't because it doesn't have upsides (say, easier scoring) but because it has downsides (can't defend or rebound against the opponents one or two 7 footers).

so in league you could "break the meta" and go 5 AP or no AD carry or whatever and definitely win, but you're inherently giving yourself a disadvantage. it's only logical that the ideal scenario is to have a 50/50 split of attack damage and magical damage so the opponent can't easily build to mitigate one form of damage

you could then split up this damage by having, say, a kill lane bottom like me and scott do (with much success) running garen Lux, with lux being the support, but with all things this is a big disadvantage end game if we have no AD carry. but like all things in league it generally comes down to intelligent counter-picking more than just choosing champs you like (and i don't just mean on a lane by lane basis, ie picking warwick to counter riven top or something) but correctly countering the opponents entire team. if they are going to run nocturne jungle and irelia top and leblanc mid or something, basically a huge squad of "brb we're going to jump your AD so fucking hard" you should probably pick urgot as your AD and just go hard tanky and start shitting on them as their attempt at blowing someone up doesnt work, or pick alistar support and some other good peeler to push everyone away from the AD when they jump on the AD and then the AD can shit on them all, but if you dont choose any peels your carry is fucked every fight (and probably your AP carry too). whereas if the opponent picked a bunch of champs with no gap closers your carry is much safer and you might want to focus on instead pushing onto their own carries

likewise it's only logical to want to split the resources evenly to the 4 players that can gain maximum use of them, since again only 4 resources (3 lanes 1 jungle) but 5 players on your team, so obviously either A: one player is going to have no income, or B: you're going to split the income and both fight over creeps in a lane, which is likely going to weaken you when fighting against an opponent with 1 really stacked damage champion vs your two champs with reasonably shitty items

so in the end the current meta is the way it is because it's the safest route with the least counters. any team comp or champion can sorta be countered though, so there are always options - ie the pros running things like leona jarvan bottom, or alistar blitzcrank, etc. but they don't just choose them just to say they are going against the meta, they choose them because they've carefully practiced them against a specific scenario (enemy lane composition) and know that they have an advantage they can carry into end game and hopefully win (These teams usually run an AD ranged top too, basically meaning theyre running the normal meta anyways)

moscow 5 runs urgot solo bottom and double jungle roaming, are they going against the meta? sorta, but they still have an AD ranged, a typical top bruiser, lee sin jungle, alistar/sona support (who is also jungling) and an ap mid carry

also the AD ranged being with a support is due to the fact that AD's, if they want to build for end game, often lack any decent sustain and are susceptible to ganks because theyre so squishy, so it makes sense to have someone babysit them (since, again, the way the game is now one player has to have no resources, so they basically are forced to babysit SOMEONE on the map, or they can roam and help disrupt other lanes like the alistar does on M5, but in this scenario you need an AD that can handle themselves solo, and again they chose Urgot for this obvious purpose)

basically there isn't much room to "break the meta" as the meta is the way it is because it's the way you win. outside of countering specific enemy compositions and playing well as a team, there isn't much else you can do. you can move your champions around to different lanes and play AP solo bottom or whatever but in the end you're basically creating a team comp that is the same as the meta (support, ad ranged, ap mid, jungle, and sustainable last solo player, can be bruiser or ap but if ap is generally a tanky ap like swain ryze vladimir)

I'm formulating a response to your points but this is how this made me feel


ITT A video from when I decided to use Seraphim as name


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