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These right here...are some TOUGH mofos
These right here...are some TOUGH mofos
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If the Da Vinci Code, a murder-mystery novel, threatens your beliefs, then your beliefs are weak and should be threatened.


If the Da Vinci Code, a murder-mystery novel, threatens your beliefs, then your beliefs are weak and should be threatened.

Nah. You stand perfectly still, no bending or twisting, and punch something. A wall even. See how it didn't hurt? That's because you had no power at all behind it. An arm alone has virtually no power when flung by itself to punch. The power comes from the hips. That's why boxers and other martial artists do not look at your face when in combat, but at your chest. Every powerful move requires hip movement, and the chest is a great place to spot the telegraphing of movement. Anyway, those punches are pansy shots.

If the Da Vinci Code, a murder-mystery novel, threatens your beliefs, then your beliefs are weak and should be threatened.

Nah. You stand perfectly still, no bending or twisting, and punch something. A wall even. See how it didn't hurt? That's because you had no power at all behind it. An arm alone has virtually no power when flung by itself to punch. The power comes from the hips. That's why boxers and other martial artists do not look at your face when in combat, but at your chest. Every powerful move requires hip movement, and the chest is a great place to spot the telegraphing of movement. Anyway, those punches are pansy shots.

Yea sparing gloves are less direct pain, and more overall stun and sting, if they were bare knuckle and one was on the ground, that would be pain... and one of them would uh... die, so yea. Gloves 4TW?


I'm going to go ahead and say you two are retarded.

However, I can cure this retardation in 2 simple steps.

Step 1: Stand up and leave your computer.

Step 2: Get punched in the face.

It doesn't matter if it was a "full swing," getting punched in the face hurts, and if you could direct your attention to the size and physique of these two men, they're big fuckers, with a lot of strength, and yes, I promise you that from their triceps, pectorals, and delts alone (without their hips), they could deliver a blow that would knock you the fuck out.

In conclusion, they ARE some tough mofos.

The best healer, ever...

The best healer, ever...
Going to agree with Taadan.

Wow Rade, i didn't think you could get any more lame. You really do think you know everything don't you? I would seriously pay to see you take three of those "Pansy shots" to the face and still be standing.
Apparently neither of you have ever spared with someone with gloves and been hit like that, yes it fucking hurts, your nose and face are in huge amounts of pain, but you have to block that out and realize if you don't stay up you lose. Adrenaline and determination keep you up like that, not hang cleans and deadlifting. Granted, having being in better shape allows your neck to brace you for hits better, but other than that, the rest of your body doesn't prevent you from getting knocked out, or making it hurt less. Hits like that don't knock you out either.


Oh, and by the way, don't say I don't know what that feels like. I was wrestling and had a guy try to jump over me. However, he ended up kneeing me in the head, splitting my forehead wipe open to the bone, and before blacking out I still pinned him. I've been hit in the face enough to know that I'd much rather get hit by one of those "TOUGH mofos" then get kneed again.


yer stoopid

srsly I got punched in the face, it hurt.


Sen. Stevens discussing the internet
They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.


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