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In house LoL 4v4 or 5v5
In house LoL 4v4 or 5v5
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"Some douche bag, pony tail wearing, hippie FUCK..." -Sip

I would like to play if there is a spot.
Sure, it'd be cool if I didn't have to invite random dude X

Played a few games after work with Ryan and Co. Pretty fun stuff. It's definitely an improvement from pugging every game. Felt like I could have played a lot better, but overall I probably got carried... so eh.

I'll leave it to Ryan and the others (who did we play with btw? Past and Sip?) to tell me how bad/good/mediocre I was. Regardless, playing non-pug has given LoL a little more steam for me.

Only raged pretty hard at the one fgt Tryn and the team that had literally 32 million stuns.
I think were going to try for this Sunday. Around 10 A.M gay lousianna time.

Is team Holy Trinity showing up?

I cannot show up this Sunday at 10AM because I'm gonna be in New Hampshire until the evening.


I may be able to log on for a couple games, but not positive. So long as it's just a friendly game. I will be coachable but don't want to be around a bunch of fighting over LoL.

F'ed in the A.
I thought Crits played well, obv not greatest player ever but he did solo mid with Annie and was 2-0 up at the point where team fighting started so that's always a good sign

Hit your tibbers stuns etc well I liked it
Quote by Fries

I may be able to log on for a couple games, but not positive. So long as it's just a friendly game. I will be coachable but don't want to be around a bunch of fighting over LoL.

Sure, but can I say hi or are you and the Holy Trinity going to jump down my throat?

I don't get the Holy Trinity jokes, if it's even worthy of being called a joke as it may be the biggest fail at humor in forum history.

Which is saying a lot for Ismael
Quote by Karrmerx
I don't get the Holy Trinity jokes, if it's even worthy of being called a joke as it may be the biggest fail at humor in forum history.

Which is saying a lot for Ismael

There it is again, You Fries and Will, know everything so WELL.

Holy Trinity, of League and Reason.

Tho honestly I'm just lumping you in with them because the Divine Duality sounds dumb to me. And you're acting just like both of them usually do.

By saying that I don't think a competitive game can be perfectly fair if it doesn't grant access to the same things to all parties involved?

I don't get why that's such a weird stance to you, you can argue (and I'd agree) that it's perfectly easy to theoretically be a top player with a small hero set but it doesn't change the fact that it isn't conducive to a completely fair playing field and it's not fun if the heroes you have get changed and you're forced to play hundreds of games to grab any new ones.

Hell, even arguing (based on one single example of one single game, btw) that those few heroes are the only viable ones isn't a great stance. In the DotA2 tournament, they have already picked or banned *every single hero* in the game. That's a better sign of balance than everyone picking the same shit every game, IMO. But in League the balance changes so much

Heroes that are or have been used a lot in the big tournaments that one has to buy:

Udyr, Nidalee, Morde, Ezreal, Shen, Kennen, Garen, Malz, Kog, Xin, Vlad, Galio, Urgot, Miss Fort, Sona, Irelia, Trundle, Cait, Renek, Jarvan, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Brand, Rubmle, Vayne, Orianna, Yorick

Lots of those have since been shit on with nerfs, but that is kind of the league strategy - release a broken hero, make people buy it with IP or RP to compete (especially since there aren't enough bans to go around imo, one of the other issues, league needs 8 bans)... then nerf it.

LeBlanc/Lux/maybe Leona might count too but I dunno, I'm just going by the heroes I know I've watched in tournaments
I responded in the other thread.

Quote by critsammich
Played a few games after work with Ryan and Co. Pretty fun stuff. It's definitely an improvement from pugging every game. Felt like I could have played a lot better, but overall I probably got carried... so eh.

I'll leave it to Ryan and the others (who did we play with btw? Past and Sip?) to tell me how bad/good/mediocre I was. Regardless, playing non-pug has given LoL a little more steam for me.

Only raged pretty hard at the one fgt Tryn and the team that had literally 32 million stuns.

You didn't feed, but I carried everyone really hard.


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