49 Unique Guild Members 14 Level 100 characters 401 Website/Forum Members 0 Posts in 24 hours 0 Posts in 7 days 84313 Total Posts Nelthilta is the last poster
49 Unique Guild Members 14 Level 100 characters 401 Website/Forum Members 0 Posts in 24 hours 0 Posts in 7 days 84313 Total Posts Nelthilta is the last poster
Trust me, it isn't. It's just infuriating when your team loses WG every round and you lose the majority of pug BG's, forcing you to spend a shitload more time gearing up your characters.
Trust me, it isn't. It's just infuriating when your team loses WG every round and you lose the majority of pug BG's, forcing you to spend a shitload more time gearing up your characters.
Thats for the server. Check out the BG stats. Actually... I thought battlegrounds were going to be ALL linked together. IE no more battle groups.
Trust me, it isn't. It's just infuriating when your team loses WG every round and you lose the majority of pug BG's, forcing you to spend a shitload more time gearing up your characters.
We would be able to run in house groups, though. Being on alliance would mean fast queues.
Wintergrasp is still a big deal and I couldn't imagine being an alliance on TFC dealing with that every time.
Alliance in general just fails horribly in every battlegroup and trying to BG grind would rage me. Pretending that we'd be running pre-mades all the time is ridiculous, and even more ridiculous is how pre-mades are handled now (you just sit in the queue for eons waiting to be matched up against another premade, ruining any chance at gaining any more honor basically)
overall its dumb
go horde, NO ONE should want to be a worgen unless you're a 12 year old faggot vamp girl that loves twilight