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Quote by house Here are some things I would like everyone to know about jungling:1. The buffs are not yours to have, they are mine. However if you ask I most likely will give them to you. If you weren't paying attention and made us miss a kill or could have saved me and didn't, don't plan on the blue buff if you're mid lane. It's not just because I'm bitter that you have no map awareness, I need the full xp of the camp to catch back up to their jungle. 2. Don't expect blue buff at spawn #2. This really cripples most jungle champs if they don't have a kill, and especially if they've died already. "But I'm a mana dependent champ in mid" too fucking bad, I could be a mana dependent jungle, or a cd dependent jungle. However, with my extra xp, we can most likely gank their mid soon and get you their blue buff, because their jungle will be a level under me and won't be able to stop us. 3. Ward your lanes, and win your lanes. If you're winning your lane, you can help me counter jungle and ward. If you're winning your lane, this lets me just march around uncontested and level up by hitting all of the camps while countering their jungle. Remember, 300 gold for a champ kill is only 15-20 minions. I can usually be 15-20 minions up by properly zoning the enemy champ, or sending him back once or twice. You don't need kills to win lanes. 4. Don't bitch at me for not ganking as they gank you. If I see you get ganked top, maybe I'm doing something more important, like getting dragon or stealing their buffs. If you don't have wards, it is your own fault, you shouldn't require a gank to win a lane. If you're sitting under your tower the whole game, then you have a complaint because I'm not helping you. But if you're under your tower because you built regen anivia and have no ap, cry me a river. Just some thoughts on the 1/7 voted worst jungler in pias. 1 is somewhat true, but trying to lane against an opponent with blue when you don't have it is pretty brutal and affects everything else on this list pretty heavily. Mana intensive jungles obviously make this harder for everyone (skarner, udyr, alistar, whatever) and that is a prime reason why the big jungles in tournaments nowadays are mana-less champs like Lee, Mundo, Shyvana etc. If you're able to give blue to your mid without really slowing your jungle down at all, it's a huge advantage for your lane. #2 goes back to #1, your middle lane needs blue at spawn 2 if the opponent gives the blue to their mid. Generally I make it a point to make sure everyone is aware of blue timer and is told to prepare to be there at the time so we can contest it, ideally we steal blue and our jungle smites that blue and gives our blue spawn to our mid player. However, if that isn't possible, I'll take the blue on our side if I am confident that I can gank and kill their mid (playing something like Skarner makes this easy as it's nearly a guaranteed kill if you go HAM) Also obviously if you're playing mundo lee shyv whatever this doesn't matter and you can just give away your blue and not care. This does affect your leveling speed but not in comparison to the other jungle as they should be giving theirs away too, and if they didn't your mid sure as shit better dominate 3. Yep need to ward always, winning lane is great but again trying to beat an opponent that has blue if you don't sucks. Likewise getting ganked can be unavoidable if the opponents are good (there is a reason the best players in the world get ganked, it's not because they're dumb). IE the alistar flash over the wraith camp into an ulting cass or whatever is just gee effing gee, and it doesnt matter if you're sitting on a tower or not 4. i'll agree that ganking is over-rated, and does not have to be a priority of your jungle. If the opponents jungler is a heavy gank jungle (rammus, who kinda sucks now, or Alistar lets say) your own jungler might be smarter to focus on counter jungling when he sees the opponent going for a gank elsewhere, and just continuing to get way ahead in farm. You might die once or twice in a lane or two but you'll be surprised when their jungle isn't shit compared to yours in the mid-late game, and you have all the buffs and dragons and are up in gold anyway, and ideally you can ward and avoid BEING ganked at all and then the other jungler is super behind. a failed gank can really fuck up a jungler Compete in your lane, pay attention to the maps, ward, and be ready to assist at any of the major map points if your jungler says he needs it. Stealing the enemies blue is much better than getting 10 CS, and those buffs can really turn the whole tide of laning and the game in your favor. Dragon gold obviously is a big deal too. The jungler needs to communicate these timings early and be sure to not extend in places that he doesn't have vision of if he doesn't see the jungler elsewhere also