Incentive to show up to 10 mans after you get your gear = ?
I have to kinda agree with Rogue - if you've got a problem with 10-man attendance, the problem is more fundamental.
Raiding shouldn't be a chore that someone has to do. Unquestionably, that's what raiding was for PiaS before we finally folded (pretty much for the last 6 months).
True enough I suppose. My fear is lack of attendance once people get gear and other get left behind. While I myself have farmed way more badges than I need, I still hang around and run heroics as needed. And to be honest most people generally have the same attitude. It might not be needed, the reason I'm asking is mainly to gauge where people are at with it, since I'm not a huge fan of /roll I'd much rather pass it to someone who needs unless its the pants token which I took heartlessly from Lucky.
Some thoughts: If you bring pretty much the same single exclusive 10-man raid group every time, you'll likely encounter this problem sooner rather than later, where raid members won't need to go to the instance for anything more. If you spread the group out a little more (round robin or something), you'll gear up a little more slowly and more evenly, and perhaps the desire to go will be there more.
We should be at 20-23 people online this Tuesday.
So far I have:
Group GaykidsBeankarrmer MT
Aplox OT
Myself Healer
Arcturium Healer
Group QueerbaitsHalde MT
Choco OT
Greenridge Healer
Lucky Healer
With DPS slots trickling in, spreading out ranged ect. Based mainly on how gear is spread between these members its a good mix of geared tank/healer. So, we are already spreading out the groups a bit- but I do love the suggestion. It might allows to forgo DKP all together since I'm not a fan at all of that either.
Alternatively, when your 10-man is fully geared, and someone no longer wishes to attend, you'll have an open slot for someone new. Once your core raiders are fully geared, then you can quickly gear up new folks who'll need the gearing to be able to handle Naxx.
Yarg, with 2 10 man groups, still leaves us missing 5 people for a 25 man. At our pace I don't see us in 25 Naxx until early Jan.
Honestly though, with a guild your size, you shouldn't really have problems like this. Keep in mind, it's better to have to have people sit than to have to run short-handed.
True enough. If people generally agree with what you're saying I'm all for it. I'd prefer not to DKP.