There needs to be something in place so that alts are not on the same playing field as mains. We should be gearing up our lesser guildies but too many tier pieces are going to alts. Many items went for more DKP than the T8.5 from VoA to alts when mains could of used them. Before the days of DKP when it was loot council there would of been a shit storm if an alt got an item over a main but now its common.
Well, I agree with Crits that the rules should be enforced. The issue that comes up with enforcing them? The bitching. I can't stand it, and I'm pretty sure that its the one thing that after a while will make me kick someone from the guild. So knowing full well that I have this issue, with bitching from people about pixelated gear, the only acceptable course of action is to expect people to follow the rules.
On the other side of the fence, if this person feels the need to dump vast amounts of dkp, IE droping 70 dkp on some random item from KT for your alt- its your choice, its your time you're choosing to spend. In the future tho, you'll be considerably behind everyone else when were doing the content pushes, in which upgrades for your main, and a few months down the line for your alts, exist.
So, someone like say Schemeckle who is at the bottom of the totem pole with dkp and is losing items to alts, will by logic soon be getting the same items for far less dkp. There is obviously positives and negatives to the current system where we've all, all of the officers have sat back and let people do whatever for the sake of avoiding drama from the queens. I feel that in the long run the positives will out weigh the negatives. I don't mind waiting for my gear to drop.
Here's another side note, that myself and Beankarrmer noted. People who straight out 100% expect to have their alts carried and site greenridge and dudebro as "cases" are by far the dumbest people ever to play WoW with us. If you would like you can armory beanbloom and ismael. Both characters have 90% of their gear from badges and pug raids. I know my warlock has 3 pieces of frost resist, is capped on hit and has gear to do any spec well. I did this on my time, I didn't sit around requesting to be carried. Is it annoying that I see people in BoA items and greens mixed in with blues? Yes, it is very annoying. Dudebro and Waffel also followed this rule and were prompt in getting an FR set and the gear they needed. So, when it comes to alts I'd much rather let the people that want to dump their dkp do so. I'm not your mom, I'm not going to control you. There are about 3-4 members in the guild at the moment who are not over 18. The rest of us are mature adults (when it comes to things that matter, like following a set of sticked rules) I expect people to simply follow them. So, if you want to be a 20+ year old who still acts like a fagot child, feel free. Its no skin off my back (not directed to anyone).
Also, on Thursday is a classic example of me saying "hey this is wrong shouldn't be done this way" (in which i was wrong and subsequently apologized to who I wronged) and about 4-5 people raged and quit the raid. I don't want people to get frustrated or offended playing a game. I'd much rather end up disappointed in someone who isn't conscious of others than lay down my dick and flop it around until people listen.
For those of you who feel wronged by the system. I apologize and I do hear you guys and appreciate the honesty.